Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Final Project

My final project for Fall term. I had a lot of fun!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Depth of Field

That's deep, man.

Project 1 Final Image

The final result of project one. Not bad! Since the critique I've added some lightning in order to make the scene feel a bit more dangerous. I've also added a small person waving in front of the face of the clock tower in order to give it some scale. It also adds some more to the narrative to the piece. This was a lot of fun. I want to do more modeling... MORE!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Time for an Update

The progress so far on my "altered reality" project. It's the clock I want to have rising out of the ocean. I want to give it a lot more detail, but I'm worried it will become too complicated and begin to lag the program... no signs of that yet, I suppose. So I might as well go for it. The other problem with adding detail is a lack of time. In all honesty, I would prefer to dedicate 100% of my time to this class exclusively, but my schedule dictates otherwise. Next term I should have more time. But I'm getting off-subject. How time flies when you're writing about a clock tower.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Mantis Spooktacular

This turned out pretty nicely, save for some differences between the quality of the photo and the quality of the render. A bit of Photoshopping could fix that right up. As a side note, Blender crashed like five times while I was making this. I guess the repetition of learned tasks that crashes necessitate is good for the learning process in the end. So thank you, Blender. For crashing. Five times.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yafaray Render

The nicest render I could muster with Yafaray.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Today we learned how to make shadows appear for objects placed on top of photographs. I did this, and it looked swell. I was on top of the world, tweaking lighting effects, working to create the perfect render, when suddenly... tragedy. My world came crashing down, in more ways than one, and all my beautiful work was lost. All that remain are distant memories of shaders and shadow samples, and this sob story. May this tale serve as a warning to all aspiring Blender modelers, or anyone using any software: save what you're working on.

In stead of that, I created a funky blob-like thing and added a material to it.

The Strong Bad

This was made using the mirror modifier. Modeling is complicated!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Texture Adventure

Mystical orb statue thing, or ancient bowling trophy? You decide.

Today I learned about advanced unwrapping, texturing, and bump mapping.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Image Cube

Featuring random images from my personal pictures folder! Texturing is easy. I'm sure all textures are as simple as this cube.

... right?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Array of Light

Today we learned about arrays and light. Artistic! I think I'd like to add more to this later. Let's hope my home computer doesn't take five times as long to render this same image.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Light Saber

Here's my weekend project - a light saber. I thought it was kind of an interesting extension of what we were doing in class. Well, not that much of a stretch, but come on. Who wouldn't want to create a light saber?
I think I enjoy modeling a lot. I'm excited to learn more tools to work with, and to learn more about what makes the program tick, so to speak. Stuff like how to make a light saber glow would be cool.
I added a close up just for good measure. Sans those shadow effects that take oh-so-long to render.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Screwing Around with Blender, Again

I decided to create a better screwdriver over the weekend. The first one wasn't so bad, but I wanted to create one that looked cleaner and more finished. I also added some color to this one, which looks a lot nicer. Where can I get a screwdriver with those colors? Anyway, by adding some more faces at the tip, I was able to give it that flat appearance that screwdriver 1.0 lacked. This one also took a lot less time to make, which is a good sign!

I feel so much more like a professional screwdriver modeler now.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Screwing Around with Blender

First attempt at modeling a screwdriver. I learned about edge loops, extrusion, subdividing faces, the brush selection tool, hiding backfacing, and scaling multiple axises at the same time. Good stuff to know!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monkeying Around with Blender

Here's the first thing I ever "made" in Blender. A creepy rendition of the Blender Monkey.

Not bad, but let's see if we can come up with something a little more impressive by the end of the course!

Test Post

Hello world.