Thursday, January 28, 2010

Character Reference

So here's the progress on my Special Problems work. I was able to do some more work on the male character's face at school today (mostly adding detail and improving edge flow), and I've also done a lot of work on the scene for my animation. Unfortunately my desktop computer is having some random crashing problems (I think due to overheating, but it's yet to be determined). Anyway, that's the only computer I have that's reasonably capable of running Blender, which may slow down my progress for a bit. Anyway, I thought I would continue to use my time productively even without Blender available, so I did some sketches for the characters I want to include in my animation. It seems like a lot of work to complete in a such a short amount of time, but I'm pretty much just ignoring that! If I keep moving forward I might just get it all done! Who knows?

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